Thursday, September 3, 2020

A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-five Free Essays

Eddard Agony is a blessing from the divine beings, Lord Eddard,† Grand Maester Pycelle let him know. â€Å"It implies the bone is weaving, the tissue mending itself. Be grateful. We will compose a custom article test on A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-five or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now † â€Å"I will be grateful when my leg stops throbbing.† Pycelle set a stoppered flagon on the table by the bed. â€Å"The milk of the poppy, for when the torment becomes excessively onerous.† â€Å"I rest a lot of already.† â€Å"Sleep is the incredible healer.† â€Å"I had trusted that was you.† Pycelle grinned wanly. â€Å"It is acceptable to see you in such a savage amusingness, my lord.† He inclined close and brought down his voice. â€Å"There was a raven at the beginning of today, a letter for the sovereign from her ruler father. I thought you had best know.† â€Å"Dark wings, dim words,† Ned said dismally. â€Å"What of it?† â€Å"Lord Tywin is extraordinarily wroth about the men you sent after Ser Gregor Clegane,† the maester trusted. â€Å"I dreaded he would be. You will review, I said as much in council.† â€Å"Let him be wroth,† Ned said. Each time his leg pulsated, he recollected Jaime Lannister’s grin, and Jory dead in his arms. â€Å"Let him compose all the letters to the sovereign he loves. Master Beric rides underneath the king’s own pennant. On the off chance that Lord Tywin endeavors to meddle with the king’s equity, he will have Robert to reply to. The main thing His Grace appreciates more than chasing is causing war on rulers who to challenge him.† Pycelle pulled back, his maester’s chain clanking. â€Å"As you state. I will visit again on the morrow.† The elderly person speedily got together his things and disappeared. Ned had little uncertainty that he was headed straight for the regal condos, to murmur at the sovereign. I thought you had best know, in reality . . . as though Cersei had not trained him to go along her father’s dangers. He trusted his reaction shook those ideal teeth of hers. Ned was not close as certain of Robert as he imagined, yet there was no explanation Cersei need realize that. When Pycelle was gone, Ned required a cup of sweet wine. That obfuscated the brain also, yet not as severely. He should have been ready to think. A thousand times, he asked himself what Jon Arryn may have done, had he lived long enough to follow up on what he’d realized. Or then again maybe he had acted, and passed on for it. It was strange how once in a while a child’s blameless eyes can see things that developed men are heedless to. Sometime in the not so distant future, when Sansa was developed, he would need to disclose to her how she had made everything come clear for him. He’s not in any way shape or form like that old tanked lord, she had proclaimed, furious and accidental, and its basic truth had turned inside him, cold as death. This was the blade that executed Jon Arryn, Ned thought at that point, and it will slaughter Robert too, a more slow passing yet full as certain. Broken legs may recuperate in time, however a few disloyalties rot and toxic substance the spirit. Littlefinger came calling an hour after the Grand Maester had left, clad in a plum-shaded doublet with a mockingbird weaved on the bosom in dark string, and a striped shroud of high contrast. â€Å"I can't visit long, my lord,† he declared. â€Å"Lady Tanda anticipates that me should lunch with her. Presumably she will cook me a fatted calf. On the off chance that it’s close as fatted as her little girl, I’m like to break and bite the dust. What's more, how is your leg?† â€Å"Inflamed and agonizing, with a tingle that is driving me mad.† Littlefinger lifted an eyebrow. â€Å"In future, do whatever it takes not to let any ponies fall on it. I would ask you to recuperate rapidly. The domain becomes fretful. Varys has heard dismal murmurs from the west. Freeriders and sellswords have been running to Casterly Rock, and not for the slight joy of Lord Tywin’s conversation.† â€Å"Is there expression of the king?† Ned requested. â€Å"Just to what extent does Robert plan to hunt?† â€Å"Given his inclinations, I accept he’d remain in the backwoods until you and the sovereign both kick the bucket of old age,† Lord Petyr answered with a black out grin. â€Å"Lacking that, I envision he’ll return when he’s slaughtered something. They found the white hart, it appears . . . or on the other hand rather, what survived from it. A few wolves thought that it was first, and left His Grace barely in excess of a foot and a horn. Robert was in an anger, until he heard discuss some gigantic pig further in the timberland. At that point nothing would do except for he should have it. Ruler Joffrey restored toward the beginning of today, with the Royces, Ser Balon Swann, and approximately twenty others of the gathering. The rest are still with the king.† â€Å"The Hound?† Ned asked, glaring. Of all the Lannister party, Sandor Clegane was the person who concerned him the most, presently that Ser Jaime had fled the city to join his dad. â€Å"Oh, came back with Joffrey, and went directly to the queen.† Littlefinger grinned. â€Å"I would have given a hundred silver stags to have been an insect in the surges when he discovered that Lord Beric was set for guillotine his brother.† â€Å"Even a visually impaired man could see the Hound despised his brother.† â€Å"Ah, however Gregor was his to abhor, not yours to execute. When Dondarrion trims the highest point off our Mountain, the Clegane terrains and wages will go to Sandor, however I wouldn’t hold my water hanging tight for his much appreciated, not unreasonably one. What's more, presently you should excuse me. Woman Tanda anticipates with her fatted calves.† While in transit to the entryway, Lord Petyr spied Grand Maester Malleon’s enormous book on the table and stopped to inactively flip open the spread. â€Å"The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descriptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children,† he read. â€Å"Now there is dreary perusing if at any time I saw it. A dozing mixture, my lord?† For a concise second Ned considered disclosing to him every last bit of it, however there was something in Littlefinger’s japes that maddened him. The man was excessively smart considerably, a ridiculing grin never a long way from his lips. â€Å"Jon Arryn was contemplating this volume when he was taken sick,† Ned said in a cautious tone, to perceive how he may react. What's more, he reacted as he generally did: with a jest. â€Å"In that case,† he stated, â€Å"death more likely than not come as a favored relief.† Lord Petyr Baelish bowed and withdrew. Eddard Stark permitted himself a revile. Beside his own retainers, there was barely a man in this city he trusted. Littlefinger had hidden Catelyn and aided Ned in his requests, yet his flurry to spare his own skin when Jaime and his blades had come out of the downpour despite everything bothered. Varys was more terrible. For every one of his protestations of steadfastness, the eunuch knew excessively and did nearly nothing. Fantastic Maester Pycelle appeared to be more Cersei’s animal as time passes, and Ser Barristan was an elderly person, and unbending. He would advise Ned to carry out his responsibility. Time was unsafely short. The lord would come back from his chase soon, and respect would require Ned to go to him with all he had learned. Vayon Poole had organized Sansa and Arya to cruise on the Wind Witch out of Braavos, three days thus. They would be back at Winterfell before the gather. Ned could no longer utilize his anxiety for their wellbeing to pardon his deferral. However the previous evening he had longed for Rhaegar’s youngsters. Master Tywin had laid the bodies underneath the Iron Throne, enveloped by the dark red shrouds of his home gatekeeper. That was sharp of him; the blood didn't appear so severely against the red fabric. The little princess had been shoeless, despite everything wearing her bed outfit, and the kid . . . the kid . . . Ned couldn't let that happen once more. The domain couldn't withstand a second frantic ruler, another move of blood and retribution. He should discover some approach to spare the youngsters. Robert could be kind. Ser Barristan was hardly the main man he had acquitted. Amazing Maester Pycelle, Varys the Spider, Lord Balon Greyjoy; each had been checked a foe to Robert once, and each had been invited into fellowship and permitted to hold respects and office for a promise of fealty. Insofar as a man was fearless and legit, Robert would treat him with all the respect and regard due a valiant adversary. This was something different: poison in obscurity, a blade push to the spirit. This he would never excuse, close to he had pardoned Rhaegar. He will slaughter them all, Ned figured it out. But then, he realized he was unable to keep quiet. He had an obligation to Robert, to the domain, to the shade of Jon Arryn . . . what's more, to Bran, who unquestionably more likely than not discovered some piece of reality. For what other reason would they have attempted to kill him? Late that evening he gathered Tomard, the stout patrol with the ginger-shaded hairs his youngsters called Fat Tom. With Jory dead and Alyn gone, Fat Tom had order of his family unit monitor. The idea filled Ned with obscure anxiety. Tomard was a strong man; friendly, steadfast, eager, fit in a restricted way, however he was close to fifty, and even in his childhood he had never been lively. Maybe Ned ought not have rushed to send off a large portion of his watchman, and all his best blades among them. â€Å"I will require your help,† Ned said when Tomard showed up, looking faintly troubled, as he generally did when called before his ruler. â€Å"Take me to the godswood.† â€Å"Is that insightful, Lord Eddard? With your leg and all?† â€Å"Perhaps not. In any case, necessary.† Tomard called Varly. With one arm around each man’s shoulders, Ned figured out how to slip the lofty pinnacle steps and limp over the bailey. â€Å"I need the watchman doubled,† he disclosed to Fat Tom. â€Å"No one enters or leaves the Tower of the Hand without my leave.† Tom flickered. â€Å"M’lord, with Alyn and the others away, we are hard-squeezed alreadyâ€â€  â€Å"It might be a brief time. Protract the watches.† â€Å"As you

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Different Contemporary Management Issues Faced By Global Organizations Essay

Diverse Contemporary Management Issues Faced By Global Organizations - Essay Example The conversation is primarily centered around a specific administration issue for example the impact of enactment on the present workforce and the board. Changing enactment to the associations and workforce is one of the significant issues looked by the human asset the board. Other than the government enactment, each state claims explicit business law and guidelines which influence the usefulness of HR. The adjustments in government laws by and large effect the HR the executives of huge to medium-sized associations. HR supervisors should be knowledgeable with the difficulties of these ever-changing business and workforce enactment to decrease the liabilities of associations in various parts of HR activities. The ongoing advancement of least wages law is giving some additional strain to various associations. The US government least wages act was first presented during the downturn of 1933. Around then the government expanded the base wages from 25 pennies to $7 every hour. Constantly of 2013, the base wages for laborers in little and medium US businesses has expanded by $9.47 every hour. Additionally, the government law has passed on that the base wages of representatives in huge ventures should be expanded to $ 11 every hour before the finish of 2015. Despite the fact that the pay climb has been end up being valuable for the representative steadfastness and inspiration programs, it is additionally unfavorably influencing the general costs and net revenue of associations. Different organizations in the US showcase are confronting various difficulties because of this ascent in the pay structure. The HR the executives of the Subway franchisees in Seattle is stressed over the expansion in authoritative expense by $250 every week as far as worker compensations. The key chiefs of Washington Lodging Association are still befuddled about the impact of this enactment on the general business action of the association.

Friday, August 21, 2020

introduction to native cultures

prologue to local societies Free Online Research Papers At the point when the Spanish started there venture through America their impact both on the local Americans and the earth were wonderful. The prime objective of the Spaniards were to change the local Americans into charge paying Christians. This was as opposed to the possibility that their objective was to take out the Indians type of the Americas. Sadly the Spaniards took numerous Indians with the goal that they may plant their Christian religion in the Indians and to utilize them as work. This drove numerous Indians to get familiar with the traditions, condition and language of the Spaniards so they might to live in the Spanish culture. A few Natives gained the Spanish language which was the fundamental wellspring of their Hispanicization. This was the acknowledgment of the Indians turning out to be incorporated by the Spanish society. They currently started to live in a Spanish manners and mix into the base of the Spanish command hierarchy. Spanish objectives and plans were to in clude the Indians so they may live in their general public regardless of whether at the lower end of it’s stepping stool. Spanish impact was not just through the Native Americans, the southwest locale of America had additionally had its effect. The Spaniards bringing of creatures and utilization of land changed their living space. Live stock brought over by the Spanish broadened well across northern New Spain. Accordingly, these eating creatures smoothed verdant regions and pressed down soils, which separated the grounds. Through these worn out ways of touching, water had the option to follow. The fields and untamed life vanished with these new accustoms which drove some transforming into deserts. The Indians impact in the Spaniards came from various perspectives. With a wide range of nourishments and apparel that the Spanish had never experienced. With new nourishments came new harvests and animals for the Spanish. The Indians apparel comprised of numerous creature fleeces and warmth based clothing. Racial virtue was a necessity for high status in Spain and its American settlements. In the urbanized New Spain, ethic birthplaces enormously affected the societal position. For instance, â€Å"Peninsulares,† those individuals initially from Spain held the most elevated bar on the cultural stepping stool. While on the far edge, both free and subjugated blacks involved the lower rung. In any case, on the boondocks, Indians, blacks, and people of blended shading, for example, mestizos (an individual with Indian and Spanish blood) started to make up a greater amount of the populace. Furthermore, as they become increasingly adjusted to Spanish culture, Indians started to feel â€Å"whiter† and mestizos also started to portray themselves an espanoles. Step by step, riches, renown, and occupation similarly decided societal position as did ethnicity and skin shading. Through such social and ecological changes in New Spain, the Spanish culture was assumed as the most predominant model on the wilderness. Both marriage and sexual practices mirrored those as in Spain and its domain. For instance, the Spanish utilized procedures to wed themselves or their youngsters into a superior societal position. While Hispanics attempted to blend Indian and Spanish culture, the two sides were not harmonious. The Spanish culture was more prevailing than the Native American societies. Despite the fact that Spaniards ate Indian food, wore their garments, and took in their way of life, it was the Indian societies that became impacted by the Spanish. Such strength and significant natural changes expressed before represented the Spaniards staggering impact on Southwest America. Research Papers on prologue to local culturesAssess the significance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionGenetic EngineeringQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPETSTEL examination of India

Monday, June 8, 2020

Writing About Contribution S Of Oil Revenue In Bahrain - 1650 Words

Writing About Contribution S Of Oil Revenue In Bahrain (Essay Sample) Content: Name:University:Lecturer:Date:Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc462773142 \h 3Background PAGEREF _Toc462773143 \h 4Arguments for; PAGEREF _Toc462773144 \h 5i.Advanced education system. PAGEREF _Toc462773145 \h 5ii.Employment growth in financial services PAGEREF _Toc462773146 \h 5iii.Improved infrastructure PAGEREF _Toc462773147 \h 5iv.Entrepreneurial education and training PAGEREF _Toc462773148 \h 6v.Quality healthcare PAGEREF _Toc462773149 \h 7Arguments against; PAGEREF _Toc462773150 \h 71.Unemployment PAGEREF _Toc462773151 \h 72.Inflation PAGEREF _Toc462773152 \h 83.Reduced subsidies. PAGEREF _Toc462773153 \h 8Personal opinion. PAGEREF _Toc462773154 \h 8Policy Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc462773155 \h 9AbstractOil forms a great economic contribution to most oil producing countries around the world. Bahrain is one of those oil producing countries which have greatly benefited from the revenues generated by oil. Research in this paper shows th at, Bahrain has benefited in various sections such as; advanced education system, employment in financial services, improved infrastructure and quality care. There are however other negative impacts associated with oil which have been witnessed in Bahrain. These are; unemployment to locals, high chances of inflation and reduced subsidies.BackgroundBahrain is the smallest country on the Persian Gulf with just over one million inhabitants, half of which are emigrants. Bahrain has an open economy for trade, investment and exchange. It is known to have the freest economy in the Middle East and North Africa Region. In fact, it has been ranked as the tenth freest economy worldwide and was even recognized by the World Bank as a high income economy. Having a free economy means that Bahrain has the freedom to produce trade and subsequently consume goods and services attained without the use of force, scam or theft (Al-Ezzee, 2016). Over the years, Bahrain has heavily invested in the banking and tourism sectors. Precisely, the banking and financial services sector has benefited from the regional thrive brought about and driven by the demand for oil. In 2008, Bahrain was named the world's fastest growing financial center by the City of London's Global Financial Centers Index. International financial institutions operate in Bahrain, both offshore and onshore, without barriers, and the financial sector is currently the largest contributor to GDP at 27.6% (Al-Ezzee, 2016).Oil and Petroleum products constitute the highest percentage of Bahrains most exported products. In 2004, crude oil and refined petroleum products accounted for around $5.5 billion of the nation's $7.5 billion in exports. Today, they account for 60% of export revenues, 70% of government revenues, and 11% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (El SAHN, AL-A'ALI, YACOUT, 2013). This goes to show that oil has been a great source of Bahrains economic development since its discovery on first of June 1932. Moreover, Bahrain was the first Gulf state to discover oil and built the region's first refinery in 1935 known as the Bahrain Oil Company. It has been 60% owned by the Bahrain National Oil Company and 40% owned by the US company Caltex since 1980.Apart from contributing to government income, oil revenues have immensely contributed to the well-being of the citizens of Bahrain (Khan, 2013). These contributions have been thoroughly argued for and argued against in this paper.Arguments for; * Advanced education systemThe government of Bahrain has continued to pay for all schooling costs. In spite of school attendance not being compulsory in Bahrain, primary and secondary school attendance rates have been greatly improved. Literacy rates are high in the region. Advanced education is also available for secondary school graduates at the Bahrain University, Arabian Gulf University and specialized institutes including the College of Health Sciencesoperating under the direction of the Ministry of Healt h which trains physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and paramedics. In addition, the government has identified providing educational services to the Gulf Cooperation Council as a potential economic growth area. It is thus working actively towards establishing Bahrain as a regional center for higher education. * Employment growth in financial servicesEmployment in the financial sector has increased by 2.8 percent during 2015. Growth has been particularly rapid in the non-bank financial sector. Financial companies and microfinance institutions have experienced 8.3 percent growth and money changers have risen by 10.8 percent. The proportion of Bahraini women employed in the sector has risen incredibly by 38.2 percent from 37.4 percent in 2014. The Bahraini workforce accounts for 70 percent of the sectors total workforce (Khan, 2013). * Improved infrastructureOil revenues have been used by the government to build an advanced infrastructure in the transportation and telecommunications sector s. Bahrain's infrastructure is modern, and the government has initiated several major projects. These include constructing a new water distribution network, upgrading the Sitrah power and water station, and expanding other water, power, and waste-treatment facilities (Maeda, 2008). The low fees of Bahrain International Airport, located on Al-Muharraq Island, have turned it into a regional hub. The principal port, Mina' Salman, handles most of the country's general cargo, and petroleum products are loaded at the Sitrah jetty. A national bus company provides public transport throughout the populated areas of the country. Moreover, there are excellent cable and satellite services using the latest digital exchange technology (El SAHN, AL-A'ALI, YACOUT, 2013). With these highly developed communication and transport facilities, Bahrain has become home to numerous multinational firms with business in the Persian Gulf. These multinational firms are a source of income to some of the citizen s in Bahrain hence boosting their standards of living. * Entrepreneurial education and trainingThe government has ventured on a number of projects expected to improve the business environment and encourage entrepreneurship. The establishment of the Bahrain Investors Centre (BIC) in 2004 was an important step towards facilitating new businesses creation in Bahrain. The BIC serves as a one-stop shop for potential investors. Higher education institutes have also independently recognized the importance of entrepreneurial education (Nakibullah Islam, 2007). As part of the education reform agenda, entrepreneurship was added to the University of Bahrains strategy in 2009. Bahrain Polytechnic has established an Enterprise Development Center on its campus. The center offers entrepreneurial development courses for Polytechnic students. This has enabled citizens to start their own businesses instead of been dependent on formal employment. * Quality healthcarePublic health services are provide d for free to all citizens by the state through the Ministry of health. These healthcare services are heavily subsidized for refugees through a network of Ministry of Health hospitals, maternity units and primary healthcare centers. Non Bahrainis employed in corporations with more than fifty employees are covered under a mandatory health insurance scheme. Despite the expanding population, as of 2004, there was an estimated 221 physicians and 493 nurses per 100,000 people (Peterson, 2010).Arguments against; 1 Unemployment.High dependence on oil poses one of Bahrain's biggest long-term economic challenges, unemployment been a major issue. Much of Bahrain's labor force, estimated in 2005 at 380,000, consists of non-Bahrainis (Peterson, 2010). In hopes of encouraging more employment among its citizens, the country has adopted a policy of matching job seekers with potential employers. It is also promoting training programs that will give young adults marketable skills. The country is con sidering initiating a labor law that will stress the value of vocational training and require that benefits for public Government revenues continue to be largely dependent on the oil industry.Corruption. As they say, corruption is the root cause of all evils. When royalties and taxes reach government reserves, they are often diverted into the pockets of powerful leaders, rather than been invested in public goods. In some cases, the local comfortable partners that receive ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Foxconn In China Case Study - 1741 Words

China’s success in consumer electronic manufacturing can be traced to the creation of special economic zones in the early 1980s, intended to increase â€Å"foreign capital and boost exports as the means to integrate regional and global economies† (Chan and Seldon 2013, 103). This capitalism was a sharp departure from the previous Communist based economic policies that dominated the country for decades (Ya and O Donnell 2017). The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (one of four) was established in May 1980 adjacent to the border with Hong Kong, which was experiencing its own economic boom (Ngai and Chan 2012, Ya and O Donnell 2017). Manufacturing in the Shenzhen Economic Zone grew exponentially after the Chinese government began offering†¦show more content†¦Grain dependent Henan Providence, which has the largest population of any providence, is largely excluded from the financial support provided to coastal areas of the country with large ports (French 2008). The Z hengzhou factory, however, is an outlier: a global symbol of foreign capitalism and economic prosperity in a region of China otherwise extremely poor (Barboza 2016). Zhengzhou is inseparably linked with the Chinese government; the Foxconn factory there provides a case study of exclusive economic incentives provided by the government to the company. Based on documents obtained by the New York Times, these benefits are unlike anything else in the world. For instance, the Zhengzhou government spent $1 billion dollars on housing for â€Å"iPhone City’s† six million people, most of them Foxconn workers. The $600 million factory itself was largely financed by the government, and taxes were eliminated for Foxconn for five years. To facilitate rapid exportation of electronics, customs is located directly outside the factory’s perimeter. An airport is nearby, in which the Zhengzhou government will be pumping $10 billion into. To staff this 2.2-mile factory site, the gov ernment assists in recruiting workers and providing formal training. Ultimately, state recruited workers in state subsidized housing not only benefitsShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Relationship Between Apple And Foxconn1120 Words   |  5 Pagesare unaware about the rising ethical issues that are presented behind the production of different technologies. The relationship between Apple and Foxconn displays a strong primary example of the ethical issue. Apple is perceived as one of the dominant technological and innovative company providing the world with its technology. Despite this, Foxconn ultimately faced many ethical issues as a supply chain of Apple’s products. The ethical issues that are presented are low working conditions, low wagesRead MoreFoxconn Hain Precision Industry Company1218 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Hon Hain Precision Industry Company, better known as Foxconn, was established as a manufacturing company in 1974. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

factors that contributed to the rise and development of...

This essay serves to outline the factors that contributed to the rise of sociology and the latter`s development. In simply terms, sociology is the scientific study of the society and human behavior. The emergence of sociology traces back to the eighteenth century up to present day. Johnson (1998) suggests that in summary, the rise and development of sociology is based on political, economic, demographic, social and scientific changes. Ritzer (2008) asserts that the immediate cause for the beginning of sociology were political unrests especially the French Revolution that took over from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century. The turmoil of the French Revolution spread throughout Europe and other nations. Kornblum (2008)†¦show more content†¦Industrialization in the United States of America contributed to the rise of sociology in the United States of America. The scientific study of the society rose also due to the growth of science in Europe (Ritzer, 2008). Sociology emerged during a period of time when natural sciences had great honor and prestige in the European society. Natural scientists were given respect and honor in the society because they were believed to be problem-solvers in the world through the use of natural sciences such as chemistry. The growth and superiority of the natural sciences stimulated social scientists also to develop a social science that would solve societal problems that had been brought by the industrial and political revolutions. The social scientists eagerness of creating a science of society resulted the beginning of sociology which is the scientific study of the society. Auguste Comte was influenced by the growth and prestige of the natural sciences because Comte coined the term sociology which relates to the scientific study of the society. Comte also developed positivism which was based on the notion t hat natural scientific methodology of objective observation and experiments should also be applied when studying the society. In this regard, the growth and prestigious position of the natural sciences resulted in the emergence of sociology. Ritzer (2008) also suggests that the enlightenment era also led to the rise of sociology. Ritzer (2008) adds that the enlightenmentShow MoreRelatedThe Sociology Of Health And Illness1292 Words   |  6 Pagesthat Medical sociology or the sociology of health and illness is majorly based on the empiricist philosophy which uses the measurement of objectives for quantitative change. 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Social scientists and thinkers of that time reacted to these changes and tried to learn and understand what keeps socialRead MoreSociology : How Human Action And Consciousness Shape The Surrounding Of Cultural And Social Culture1734 Words   |  7 PagesZygmunt Bauman once said, â€Å"The task for sociology is to come to the help of the individual. We have to be in service of freedom. It is something we have lost sight of.† This quote means the main purpose of sociology is to help people with our freed om of service, because it is something we as people lost sight of. 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Lecture Note about Single Parent Families †

Question: Single-parent families can arise due to never-married parenthood, divorce, or death. How do you think these families are similar to each other, and how are they different? Answer: Single-parent families can be defined as those families where a parent, i.e. a mother or a father, lives with the dependent children and takes the responsibilities of the children in order to provide them a decent lifestyle at least. Either they live alone or in a larger household but without spouse or partner. Single-parent families can arise due to death of the partner, divorce or separation with the partner, non-marital child bearing, abandonment, etc. Life of a single-parent is besieged and struggling. The journey is not a cake walk at all, especially when one has not chosen this kind of life. For a single parent, it is quite obvious to feel resentful and aggrieved. It is so challenging for a single parent to cope with all the care-giving, nurturing and role-modelling when there is no one to share the day to day responsibilities or decision making. Tough though, but a single parent has to mentally and emotionally prepare herself/himself for all the challenges, obstacles and failures. One has to enable and adjust to the new role, help and support the kids in every possible manner, take care of the needs of the children, balance effective parenting with career, deal with societal prejudice and preconceived notions, etc. (Peterson, 2009) Though, all single-parent families have to go through a bumpy ride, but every single-parent family is similar or different with each other in quite many ways. A very common reason for single parent families is death of the spouse, majorly due to accidents and severe health issues. This is a very unfortunate phase for a person as on one hand he has to deal with the trauma of losing his partner and on the other hand he has to assist his children and other family members. Death of the loved ones causes an emotional turmoil, during this phase a person is emotionally drained to the extent that he does not wish to trust God and builds a fear of losing his near and dear ones. Children observe mourn, grief and sadness in the atmosphere and they are adversely affected. According to the study conducted in the US, 2012, children aged between 2-7 years tend to get stable because they are easily distracted whereas teenagers are affected the most by the death of their parents because it is that tender age when they need financial, emotional and psychological support of their parents. (Kim, 2001) According to Charles A. Donovan, a senior policy consultant at the Family Research Council, 72% of the single parents gather courage to get out of the trauma, to support children and other family members. 82% of the single mothers step out of their homes and strive hard to work and earn in order to provide good education and bright future to the children. Another reason for single parent families is divorce or separation. When marriages turn sour and when one cant withstand the partner, then serious fights and blame games takeover love and respect. There is a negativity in the atmosphere, there may be ongoing conflicts over child custody and visitation. Children grow up seeing the fights, stress, conflicts, etc. Sometimes, children tend to become unsocial and try to stay away from relationships and institution of marriage, this would be a major difference between single parent families arising due to death and divorce. Though a major similarity would be that a single-parent has to look after the needs, aspirations and desires of his child and has to make sure that academically socially his child is doing well. (Lyster, 2003) According to a research conducted by 2 Canadian sociologists, 2013, 6 out of 10 Kenyan women are victims of abandonment and desertion. An array of factors like irresponsible fathers, peer pressure, escapism, betrayal, etc. are responsible for children being born out of wedlock. This trend is not only ruining the life of women and children but also negatively impacting the society as a whole. In such situation, an unmarried single mother has to bear and face the bitter words of society or sometimes the family members disown the single mother due to societal pressures, in fact, honour killing is common in some areas of India, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. (Yoo, 2006) Unmarried single mothers, who gather courage to raise their children in an unsupportive environment feel the same stress, grief, sorrow, heartache and anguish as felt by those who are either widowed or divorced. But here, the major difference would be the feeling of betrayal, rejection and perfidy. Worst situation occurs, when a child gets to know that he is abandoned; behaviours such as bed wetting, temper tantrums, restlessness, intrusive thoughts, truancy, aggression, etc. are common. Therefore; to be on the right track they require utmost support, love, care and affection of the single parent. Every single parent family deserves a salute for overcoming their pains sorrows and working hard to get a normal lifestyle. These families are trying to be interdependent, work together, solve issues together, grow together and face the world together. References Anderson, S. (2000).The Journey from Abandonment to Healing. New York: Berkley Books. Kim, K. (2001). Single parenthood effect on childrens academic achievement. Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 11, pp.101123. Lyster, M.E.(2003) Child Custody.New York: Nolo Press. Peterson, M. (2009) Single Parenting for Dummies. New York: Wiley Sons. Teyber, E.(2001) Helping Children Cope with Divorce.New York: Jossey-Bass. Yoo, G. (2006). Changing views on family diversity in urban Korea. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 37, Issue no. 4, pp. 5974.