Monday, December 30, 2019

Economic Growth and Public Policy of the Uk Does the...

Economic Growth and Public Policy of the UK: Does the protectionism help? Introduction The effects of globalization have touched all the aspects of life and business today. One aspect is the trading policies between countries. Since the late nineteenth century, the collision started between domestic and foreign industries, which ask governments for measures that could protect local industries, without discouraging the country’s trade relations. The term ‘Protectionism’ was thus introduced in the language of global trade and economy (Rowley, 2002). Protectionism is an economic policy applied in the trading system, to restrict the quantity of imported items, and to flourish country’s exports. The objective of this is policy is to†¦show more content†¦Hence countries practicing protectionism, would suffer from fewer importers, which could eventually restrict their export options, thus reducing their trade flow and economic growth (Ahearn, 2009) The economic dependency of the United States of America on its trade sector woul d be beneficial in illustrating the relation of protectionism to the economic growth. In the USA, the trade Union believes that protectionism is the only policy, with which the country can maintain domestic industrial growth (Trwin, 1998, 1015-1026). Being a centre for global trade, the industries of the USA have been through a significant setback in the past few years, with a prominent increase in the unemployment rate. Moreover, the growing numbers of import of Chinese goods, which are available at cheaper rates comparatively, have decreased the purchase of domestic goods in the USA This has ignited the debate to, either increase tariffs on such items to protect domestic firms and industries, or to protect the needs of civilians. From the last few years, many governments, including that of USA, U.K and several other facing the challenges of economic downturn, are looking for alternate measures, as protectionism does not seems to provide long term solution for economic crises. As argued by Tullock (1967), protectionism causes the rent of household to increase to a substantial amount. This becomes the reason of public stress and economic seizing for the country. Tariff added onShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the 1920s1642 Words   |  7 Pagesassociated with industrial electrification, made possible by mass production. 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Free trade is very importantRead MorePest Analysis of an Educational Institution19905 Words   |  80 Pagesuk/ewt/whymore.htm - Accessed 12 March 2013 Anon (N.D.) Investopedia: â€Å"Comparative Advantage† [Online] available on - Accessed 12 March 2013 Task 3 Anon (N.D.) Tutor 2U: â€Å"Balance of Payment† Anon (N.D.) - Accessed 14 March 2013 Elliot amp; Elliot. (2004), Financial Accounting and Reporting (8th Edition), FT/Prentice Hall. Lewis, R. amp; Pendrill. D. (2004), â€Å"Advanced Financial Accounting†Read MoreTatas Time2850 Words   |  12 Pagesover management of the landmark Pierre Hotel on Central Park in New York City. Through international bold moves like these, Tata have the opportunity to learn more about a particular market or world region and to supplement or strengthen domestic growth; The Tata Group is the largest conglomerate in India. Its latest revenues are estimated at $67.4 billion, of which 61 percent is from business outside India. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Sociological Imagination, By Wright Mills - 1816 Words

The Sociological Imagination is a famous paradigm devised by political scientist C. Wright Mills that scrutinizes an individual’s plights in juxtaposition with how their choices either hinder or contribute to society throughout the course of history. This not only helps map archaic and contemporary configurations of existence, but its cyclical pattern allows us to envisage the possible futures open to us. Those who apply the sociological perspective are to practice a beginners mind: to rescind themselves from penchants and biases when assessing other denizens in their environment to see everything from a bird’s-eye view. Mills believed that it is a challenge for most people to connect individualism with the socio-cultural institutions in which they live. There are good reasons why most people have difficulty grasping and maintaining this distinctive approach, as it requires a broader observation base and academic rational than what one normally subjects themselves to. Its poignancy in circadian regimentation pursues the correlation between micro and macro levels of analysis. This essentially means that larger group dynamics, such as race, gender, class, religion, economics and politics, must be taken into account for the setting of a person’s life. Because context is always changing, the self is constantly reconstructed through this interaction over one’s lifetime; while the self is molded by society, society’s push and pull is also implemented by the self. Learning howShow MoreRelatedThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills1315 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. This is its task and its promise.† C. Wright Mills writes about the sociological imagination in an attempt to have society become aware of the relationship between one’s personal experience in comparison to the wider society. By employing the sociological imagination into the real world, individuals are forced to perceive, from a neutral position, social structures that, inRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills857 Words   |  4 PagesThe sociological imagination is simply the act of having the capacity to think ourselves away from the commonplace schedules of our day by day lives keeping in mind the end goal to take a gander at them with a new perspective. C. Wright Mills, who made the idea and composed a book about it, characterized the sociological creative ability as the clear attention to the connection amongst encounter and the more extensive society. The sociological imagination is the capacity to see things sociallyRead MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills969 Words   |  4 Pages C. Wright Mills defined sociological imagination as the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society. Understanding and being able to exercise the socio logical imagination helps us understand the relationship between the individual and society. Mills focuses on the distinction between personal troubles and public issues. Having sociological imagination is critical for individual people and societies at large to understand. It is important that people areRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills907 Words   |  4 Pagesindividual s life a person will experience what C. Wright Mills refers to as the trap. The trap alludes to a person that can only see and understand their own small scope of life. Their frame of reference is limited to their day to day life and personal experiences that are directly related to them, they cannot see the bigger picture. They do not yet know that the sociological imagination can set them free from this trap and as C. Wright Mills said, In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in manyRead MoreSociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills Essay1611 Words   |  7 PagesI SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATIO N CONCEPTUALIZATION As conceived by C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is the mental ability to establish intelligible relations among social structure and personal biography that is observing and seeing the impact of society over our private lives. Sociological imagination helps an individual to understand on a much larger scale the meaning and effect of society on of one’s daily life experience. People blame themselves for their own personal problems and they themselvesRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills799 Words   |  4 Pages The sociological imagination, a concept used by C. Wright Mills, is essentially the ability to perceive a situation or act in a much larger social context as well as examining the situation or act from many perspectives. In particular, it plays a paramount role in Donna Gaines Teenage Wasteland. It is a tragic story of 4 teens who together, committed suicide. The teens were deemed as â€Å"dropouts, druggies† [Teenage Wasteland 8.2 ] by newspapers and were still treated with disdain even after theirRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills986 Words   |  4 PagesMills Chapter Summary â€Å"Yet Men do not usually define the troubles they endure in terms of historical change and institution contradiction.† Stated from chapter one of â€Å"The Classic Readings in Sociology† which was based on â€Å"The Sociology Imagination† by C. Wright Mills. As our Sociology 131 class study the works of C. Wright Mills, we learn and examine his views. We learn how he view other things such as marriage, war, and the limitations of men. His view of war is that both sides playRead MoreJohn Wright Mills And The Sociological Imagination Essay1457 Words   |  6 Pagesvalues played into this bigger picture of society. To this day, the biggest decision I have ever made in my life has been deciding to go to university, but I never really dwelled on the concept of â€Å"Why?† C. Wright Mills wrote of a concept called the â€Å"sociological imagination.† Sociological imagination is our way of understanding the relationship between ourselves and society by looking at society and our individual lives through different lenses (1959). For instance, take an upper class man who has anythingRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills1201 Words   |  5 PagesThe sociological imagination is theorised by C. Wright Mills explaining how two abstract concepts of social reality are different. Initially, Mills defines the sociological imagination as â€Å"the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society.† It is the ability to see things socially and how they interact and influence each other. (Crossman, n.d.). The sociological imagination uses four interdependent factors to help sociologists view things from an alternative aspect:Read MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills942 Words   |  4 PagesSoc iological imagination according to C. Wright Mills (1959) â€Å"enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals† (p.5) Mills in this book of The Sociological Imagination explains how society shapes the people. Mills wants people to be able to use sociological imagination to see things in a sociology point of view, so they can know the difference between personal troubles versus personal issues

Friday, December 13, 2019

Patients and Cancer Free Essays

This paper explores different peer-reviewed articles that attempts to shed some light on the phenomenon of the lived experience of patients with cancer; supporting the fact that individuality is a huge factor in the care of cancer patients. Manu types of cancers exist and patients should be treated as individuals versus as a disease or diagnosis. As oncology nurses we accumulate knowledge on a daily basis that may be revised in practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Patients and Cancer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, it becomes our innate duty to visit the literature and gain the understanding and evidence that will help us in improving our practice of nursing. The articles, however, vary in the type of cancer with different treatment modalities and the collection methods but have the commonality of all participants being diagnosed with Cancer. The findings showed that patients have many unmet psychosocial and emotional needs among others but exercise hope when family support is present. These shortcomings or gaps in knowledge can alter how care is received and administered. We as nurses, have a lot of work to do in assisting patients feel more individualized with the diagnosis of Cancer. Each day in practice we meet new patients and see old ones and we may see them smile or get sad or display other emotions but as nurses do not take enough time to find out what our patients face and how they handle their diagnoses of cancer. As nurses we get so wrapped up in our daily tasks. Cancer is an experience that can threaten not only the end of one’s life, but also touch all aspects of the person’s existence, making it significant to them and if it is significant to them then it should also be the same to us. Cancer also imposes so many burdens on patients, families and the society at large. So large that it is labeled the silent killer and will overtake disease as top killer by the end of 2010 (foxnews. com). I chose this topic because I realize the gap in knowledge and communication between what happens to patients between diagnoses, treatment and discharge, up to the time they return for follow -up cycles to the time they may hear that the cancer has either metastasis or have been cured (in remission). Just knowing that your life will change is significant enough. We, as nurses are first line in the patient care area. The Doctor walks in and tells the patient that they have cancer and then walk out and the nurse is faced with the aftermath, the questions and the emotions that follow. The nurse is also the one that administers the chemotherapy and various radiation treatments and again is faced with questions and emotions. At discharge the nurse again becomes the one that is faced with questions and emotions. It may not be possible to answer all the questions and for the ones that we are not sure of, we can refer or ask the doctor to explain but having the knowledge of what it may be like for these cancer patients can help with how we approach these questions and the treatment options. Having this knowledge can help in terms of support, teaching, prevention and alleviation of suffering, enabling us to give more culturally congruent care. Literature Review In Arber et al. s (2008) article on the lived experience of patients with pleural mesothelioma it was found that these patients had many unmet psychosocial and emotional needs and that there was a lack of information provided to patients . A feeling of isolation was also reported. All patients and care givers experienced frustration due to the physical experience (Arber et al. , 2008). It was showed that these patients wanted to tell their stories and wanted people to listen. The methodology was phenomenology which was appropriate for th e study with unstructured interview questions allowing for participants to speak their mind and their experiences. As nurses sometimes we are unsure of what to say for fear of saying the wrong thing. There was also evidence of loss of intimacy with partners. Macmillan Cancer support (2006) states that four out of ten couples where one partner has cancer report sexual problems (Arber et al. , 2008). The study was done only on patients with mesothelioma and was very small making it hard to generalize to other cancer areas. The patients and families were only from a specialist palliative community center assuming that these patients had incurable mesothelioma. Benzein et al. , (2005) studied cancer in palliative care in home care and made hope the center of the study. The findings showed that the participants used hope to live as normally as possible. The meaning of the experience of hope seemed to be a will to live for a while longer (Benzein et al. , 2005). The structural analysis revealed the hope of being cured, a hope of living as normally as possible, a presence of confirmative relationships and reconciliation with life and death. The commonality between this article and Arber et al. , 2008 is that these cancers were incurable, however in this article the study group was a mix of males and females ages 54-83 with a median age of 65. The previous article failed to reveal the ages of the participants, making it difficult to impact practice. The other difference is that the latter was done in the patient’s own homes while the study on patients with mesothelioma was done in a different setting that may influence the outcome. Being surrounded by loved ones in the home setting would allow the patient to feel more human, than being in a hospital setting where they are just another patient and loved ones may not be able to visit at lib, which in the end has a negative impact on recovery. Demir et al. , (2008) in their quest to understand the experience of breast cancer survivors that underwent biopsies used a phenomenological approach to reveal three themes that were evident among participants, namely, the need for information, fear and spiritual needs. The study also suggests that results may be different considering different emotional investments in their breasts, sociocultural factors and age. The study was a very small group of twenty with the interviews being held in an unused room outside the clinic before the patients postoperative visits. Having the interviews on postoperative days may further aggravate feelings of fear that could invalidate the study. When compared to the study done by Perreault et al. , (2005) similarities were evident as participants exhibited fear and uncertainty. This study studied women with breast cancer and examined their experiences. Both studies used the interpretative phenomenological approach to gain insights. What this study included that would help with validity that Demir et al. , (2008) did not include was the staging. The staging of the cancer can have a great impact on the emotions and fear and response to experience. This sample size was only six person who lowered the reliability and generalizability. Lacey, (2005), researched breast cancer and support aides revealed that participants were identified as being too overwhelmed and stressed to make decisions about their care. They trusted their physicians to make the appropriate choices and appreciated and welcomed the support of family members. They also expressed hope. These same sentiments were echoed somewhat in Demir et al. , (2008) and Perreault et al. , (2005). All 3 studies involved breast cancer and the study method was the same and even though the same size and ages may have varied, it may prove to offer some insight as to what these women face adding to the validity. All 3 papers also suggest that more research may be necessary to facilitate the different decision- making and emotional abilities. The definite commonality expressed and assumed mong all these articles so far is the need for information especially at different stages. Molen, (2000) study sought to identify the different information needed for people with cancer. Adequate, appropriate and timely information can be a key element for many people in managing the experience of cancer. Different themes emerged from the research. There w as a deficit in information regarding self-identity, body image, and family, social and work relationships. A cancer diagnoses impacts all areas of an individual’s life, and life management information is equally as important as medical information. Molen, 2000). Cancer was viewed as an intrusion and illness engendered feelings of vulnerability that impacted on their normal coping mechanisms. This research had six participants all with different types of cancer with ages ranging from 45 to 65. The end results showed feelings and questions received on a daily basis but the sample size was so small and the age range was so limited that may lessen the reliability. However, further research may be needed to identify the different ages when information becomes such a deciding factor or the processing of information since all the participants were older. Similarly, information needs proved to be a big part of the equation as evidenced in another research study done by Molen (2005). However the type of information, the amount and to what depth varied considerably between individuals proving that information needs are unlikely to remain static and consequently, will change throughout the cancer experience. The literature highlights the importance of information giving, however; many problems are encountered with its provision. People with cancer frequently express dissatisfaction with the information given to them and experience difficulty in retaining and processing information. The cancer experience invariably begins before the point of diagnoses and information needs clearly change over time. (Molen 2005) Jones et al. , (2006) in researching the lived experience showed similarity with the Molen, (2000) themes that emerged from the different stories including changing concepts of self, the significant of relationships, being different from the past and temporality. These patients were bone marrow transplant candidates who were experiencing a mountain of emotions that they believed were affecting them negatively. From their stories it was clear that all participants underwent many physical and emotional changes. Taking it to a different level Meenaghan et al. , (2010) researched elderly patients and their lived experience and concluded that all participants experienced fear and shock at diagnoses but also experienced hope despite their age. With good support from family and friends participants exhibited hope and revealed that they learned to cope with the diagnoses and its treatments. As expressed in Perreault et al. (2005), the same fear and uncertainty was revealed and the same method of data collection and interview was used. Walker et al. , (2009) attempted to understand the lived experience of cancer patients undergoing photodynamic therapy. Analysis of the data yielded six themes, the impact on day –to- day life, existential meaning, the physical effects of treatment, and the kaleidoscope of emotions, information gap and family burden. This article summarizes all the feelings ex pressed by all the previously reviewed articles. If not all a least one of the articles expressed the same feelings which leads nurses to believe that these are the expected emotions, fears and expressions that can be experienced and that we all should be mindful of the factors that to suffering and the nursing interventions that can be used to address these multiple dimensions of suffering. All these studies used the phenomenological approach which is appropriate and if not the interpretative design the descriptive. Sample sizes and ages vary but the information and end results remained the same or close to the same throughout this literature review. How to cite Patients and Cancer, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

In the Lonely Hour by Sam Smith free essay sample

Sam Smith is a 22-year old singer and songwriter from London, England. He began his singing career in 2007, and recently became the latest sensation when he collaborated with the electronic music duo, Disclosure, with the song â€Å"Latch†. His debut album, entitled In the Lonely Hour, peaked at number two on the Billboard 200. After listening to his album, I completely fell in love with his style and voice. The album starts off with â€Å"Money On My Mind†, which incorporates styles such as pop and electro, while still keeping a gentle vibe throughout the tune. The second song, â€Å"Good Thing† starts with an orchestral harmony and transitions to Smith’s soothing voice, then to a slightly more upbeat melody. The third addition to his album, â€Å"Stay With Me†, is one of the most played songs on the radio at the moment, due to its gospel-like sound, catchy chorus, and melancholic message. Although I enjoy every single one of the songs featured on his album, my favourite has to be â€Å"Lay Me Down†, because Sam Smith’s voice makes an astounding triumph from being quiet and innocent, to bold and emotional in a matter of seconds. We will write a custom essay sample on In the Lonely Hour by Sam Smith or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even to those who aren’t big fans of soulful music, are sure to get goose bumps when listening to this beautiful song. This album is one of the best I’ve heard so far, especially in today’s music. It doesn’t involve the typical lyrics that include â€Å"partying† and other immature behaviour, which I find admirable of him. All of the tracks listed can be affiliated with the different stages of love, whether it’s the newfound love, or heartbreak, Sam Smith seems to be able to make everyone relate to his music. For this exact reason, many of his listeners can listen to his album throughout their lives. I find that this album can be played at parties, while you’re working, or even when you need some solitude to get your thoughts together. I highly recommend this album to everyone who is in need of some more than decent music, which, let’s face it, is hard to find in this day and age. This piece of work is something that I hold ver y close to my heart, and I’m sure others will be able to as well. In the Lonely Hour by Sam Smith free essay sample With his soulful, haunting voice and deep, meaningful lyrics, Sam Smith has taken the world by storm. His first album, In the Lonely Hour, was ranked third in top albums of 2014 and is nominated for the Album of the Year Grammy. At 22, he has achieved more than most people will achieve in their entire lifetime, and he’s just getting started. Sam Smith came into the public eye in early 2014 when the song â€Å"Latch† became popular. He was raised in a musical family, with fellow British singer, Lily Allen, as his third cousin, and his parents having a big musical influence on him. In the Lonely Hour is the first album from Smith and some of the most popular songs on the album are: â€Å"Stay With Me†, â€Å"I’m Not the Only One†, and â€Å"Lay Me Down.† All of these songs were chart toppers and, in my opinion, the best songs on the album. We will write a custom essay sample on In the Lonely Hour by Sam Smith or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, his beautiful songs would be nothing without his unique voice. Something that makes this album different is Smith’s voice. He has a genuine, sultry voice that captivates the listener. He has been compared to artists like Adele and Frank Ocean, which is high praise. Another thing that makes Sam Smith stick out in his incredible range. His wide range is especially clear in the acoustic version of â€Å"Latch† and in â€Å"Lay Me Down.† In every song on the album, his amazing voice fits perfectly with the personal lyrics that he wrote. In a song, lyrics are just as important as the beat. On this album, Smith pours his heart into his lyrics and shows a very personal side of himself. He croons about never falling in love and quick little flings, showing a different side of love for those who have never felt it. These in depth lyrics speak to many people and that’s part of the reason he’s so popular. Beautiful voice, deep lyrics, and incredible range, has made Sam Smith one of the most popular artists of 2014. â€Å"In the Lonely Hour† was seventh in top albums of 2014 for good reason. Sam Smith has had an astonishing year and he is definitely the new artist to look out for.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Writing Prompt 19 Essays - Laughter, Passion, Humor Styles

Writing Prompt #19(SIS#5) Character Count:1,644 Siddarth Luthra Think about a time you listened to something or someone that made you feel like laughing or made you feel something like a deep emotion. I am here because I believe that I have a purpose to contribute something to the world. I believe using my humor and my knowledge and passion about music and technology I can help make the world a better place. I want to help people relieve stress and laugh when they need a break, to feel like being a child again and get away from due dates and crazy hard work because in a highly competitive area people can get very stressed. Additionally, another way I can introduce this is using my passions; technology, and music to help make the world a better place by giving people a better time by letting them relax when they need to. In eighth grade work starts to increase to prepare for high school and people can get stressed. I once had a friend who went into depression handling his work, activities, and extra curriculars. I tried to use humor to help and it worked. I used my humor to make someone feel like they don't have to hurt themselves. I have been playing the trombone, piano, and the drum set for over five years, I have also built 3D printers, participated in technology competitions, and love to build and engineer things ever since I was born. I have a passion for music and technology and I have wanted to combine them for a while. That is when I thought of "DJ-ing", I want to create software's, make music using technology, and build equipment to help people have a great time. I am here to help people have fun and contribute my humor and knowledge of technology and humor to the world.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Journey To Become Pope Francis

The Journey To Become Pope Francis Pope Francis is noted for his humility,  dedication to the poor, and commitment to inter-faith dialogue.   He is revered as one of the most popular spiritual leaders of today.   While a resume is likely not part of the papal election process,we researched his career path and composed a resume to illustrate  Pope Francis’ journey to becoming the Pontiff.   Jorge Mario BergoglioSan Roberto Bellarmino. Rome ItalyTheological EducationSalesian School                                                                                                                                                                                                   1980Mentorship under Ukranian Greek Priest Stefan CzmilAwoke hours before class to serve Mass for CzmilCollege Maximo de San Jose                                                                                                                                                            Ã‚  Ã‚  1960  Licentiate in PhilosophyInmaculada Concepcion Seminary                                                                                                                                             Ã‚  1958Studied HumanitiesSecular EducationEscuela Tecnica Industrial No. 27 Hipolito Yrigoyen                                                                                               Ã‚  1954Chemical Technician’s Diploma  Employment AccomplishmentsSan Roberto Bellarmino –  Cardinal-Priest      Ã‚                                                                                                                    Ã‚  2001Awarded cardinal by Pope John Paul IIAppointed to five administrative positions within the Roman CuriaParticipated in 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVIBuenos Aires, Agentina – Auxiliary Bishop                                                                                                                         1992Ordained as Tituar Bishop of Acua serving as principal consecratorCelebrated Holy Thursday washing feet in jails, hospitals, retirement homes and slumsSociety of Jesus of Agentina – Provincial Superior   Ã‚                                                                                                  1973Supervised institutes within province and presided over  deliberationsEnsured orders of the General Chapter and S uperior General were properly carried outFacultades de Filosofia y Teologia de San Miguel                                                                                                        Ã‚  1969Ordained to priesthoodServed as master of novices for province and taught as professor of theologyColegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion – High School teacher                                                                          1960Taught psychology and literatureFostered growth and development of teenagers through lectures and discussionBuenos Aires Nightclub – Bouncer                                                                                                                                              1956Checked IDs and monitored front of house for trou ble makersSwept floors, maintained cleanliness and janitorial dutiesHickethier-Bachmann Laborary   Ã¢â‚¬â€œ   Lab Technician                                                                                                Ã‚  1952Ran tests in food section of chemical laboratoryAnalyzed and reported test results

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Creativity in secondary school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creativity in secondary school - Essay Example Implementing such a model where arts and creativity are used to overcome learning barriers can be used to help improve the learning process. Parents and teachers can help students in devising thinking patterns and problem-solving skills by utilizing creativity. It includes giving the students the choice and the liberty to learn by trying and making as many mistakes as they safely can. It also implies that the teachers will have to drown their rigid normative thinking and respect the creative ways that the students pursue. It must be noted that this type of parental encouragement and education requires creative teaching processes as well, which is hard to practice in secondary schools considering their rigid subjects. The learned curriculum is everything that students learn in school (Fautley and Savage, 2010). The selection of words communicated in language and encouragement to experiment without the fear of failure are the two crucial aspects in achieving such a goal. To use creativity the students have to look at a problem through various angles. It also implies that there cannot be a rigid solution to a problem. Artful activities have been proven to help students overcome learning barriers (Cochran, 1996). This is important because when a student comes up with a creative solution that doesnt not strictly match the predetermined result it can discourage him from further experimenting, especially when the result translates into bad grades. The teachers should be aware that this pattern can be incredibly negative that weeds out the creative process from their students’ psychology. To encourage children to think creatively the teachers and parents should make efforts in asking them to observe their surroundings in a different way. An artist sees a way when there is an ‘aha!’ moment (Jalongo, 1999). Secondary schools education should be based around this principle where the students figure things out for themselves through their ‘aha!’ moment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Violence in Video Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Violence in Video Games - Essay Example Games today are much more sophisticated. Realism, drama and storylines have been integrated so beautifully that gamers today tend to forget their surroundings when they sit in front of their play-stations of X-boxes. To bring about this reality in games to today, creators have succeeded in creating very true images and animations of the laws of physics in games. I mean, shoot someone in the head and not only does blood spray out and backwards from the place the bullet hit the head, but the head even jerks backwards with the force of the bullet. Fantastic! Still there are those who say that this realism is creating a negative impact on our children and should be banned. So in this paper, this dilemma will be proved wrong by common sense and cool logic. The nature of a game is to take you far away from the real world. It is about going somewhere where you can only be in your dreams, only this dream is in your hands. The main purpose of games has always been to finish off your rivals and get to the top. In the early stages it only used to be someone falling off a cliff or an invisible barrier because graphic technologies could not support anything greater than that. Not though realism can be shown. Gamers can really "feel" the game. So the games of today really haven't changed. If anything, they have become better for people who play them. Critics say that there is too much violence in games. Really So George Bush bombing the world without any valid reasons and news channels showing it all live on TV isn't Israelis butchering Palestinians in front of their family is soothing Movies showing the hero shooting the bad guy in the face are something to be encouraged By the logic of all those against violence in video games, all this shou ld be banned too. All news channels, movies and anything even hinting at a "negative" thought should be banned then. Even food programs should be shut down because they cook dead animals in it which could be disturbing to younger viewers. This is all a prime example of extremism. The world sees as most Muslims being extremists just because they try to protect their faith from harm and when the real definition of extremism is shouting them in the face they are twisting it towards "social issues". Toulmin's Argumentation model Now let's look at things a little more theoretically. What is coming up is my point of view explained by Toulmin's model of argument. Claim: Video games do not spread violence. They are a form of entertainment and only used as a relaxation source for children and adults of all ages. Support: video games have not changed in their basic levels. This is because you always have one basic mission. Find and kill the bad guy. Furthermore, gamers know the difference between reality and the game's fantasy. This is because they are exposed to a lot of real live violence and they see and digest actions of their family and the world of how everyone is despising those people who injure other people or any incident of loss of human life. Speculations of people thinking that a child might become un-sentimental and lose the value of human life will then not hold true if the child learns that he is not supposed to learn from the game, but rather from reality itself. Warrant: there is very small amount of evidence going against this claim. This is because there are many other factors to take into account when behavior is being

Monday, November 18, 2019

Impacts of Cyber Vandalism on the Internet Essay

Impacts of Cyber Vandalism on the Internet - Essay Example With intent to discuss the issue, this paper will cover the associated terms like administrative discretion, cybersecurity threats, and statutory protections for public employees.   In the legal context, the term discretion indicates the power to decide or act according to one’s own judgment. Some legal systems like the US allow certain discretionary powers to administrative authorities. To illustrate, US law system has framed some broad limits within which an administrative authority can operate. For instance, a statute confers discretion if it is reasonable and is in public interest. To define, the administrative discretion is the expertise of professional expertise and judgment as opposed to strict adherence to regulations or statutes, in making a decision or performing official acts or duties (The Free Dictionary). In other words, when a legal system permits an administrative authority to practice discretion, it is called administrative discretion. The discretionary powers are given to an administrative authority by statute or delegation. It has observed that, generally, broad discretionary powers are given to administrative agencies in order to e ffectively exercise their administrative authority. However, it is held that the discretionary power must not be vague or arbitrary, but it has to be in accordance with legal requirements. US Supreme Court stated that â€Å"an administrative agency enjoys wide discretion in ascertaining the best way to handle related, yet discrete issues in terms of procedures and priorities† (USLegal). Although the law imposes certain regulations on the administrative authorities in exercising their discretionary powers, it is often seen that their functions are not in line with law requirements.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Influence of Cinema on Youths today

Influence of Cinema on Youths today Nowadays, movies in some ways affect people lifestyles especially teenagers. Movies are popular among teenagers. Most of the teenagers are influence by the movies and addicted to some illegal activities. This is one of the major problem faces by our country because of the teenagers behavior. Movies are one of the most entertainments in today world. So that, a question given to me to conduct a survey among movie goers to find out their views on the influence of the cinema on youths today. 2.0 Small introduce about movie Watching movies increase rapidly. Most of the people addicted to watch movie in cinema, especially teenagers. There are so many advantages and disadvantages about watching movies. The productions spend billions of money to produce and direct a new movie. 2.1.1 Influence of Cinema on Youths today Movie is well-known among teenagers. Movie affects teenagers in different kind of ways. One of the reasons for the popularity of the movie is that it entertains all types or people, young and old, literate and illiterate. Most of the teenagers watching movies are for relaxations. Sometimes, they feel stress, so that teenagers spending their time in watching movies in cinema. First, movie influence youth negatively and positively. This is because; teenagers will imitate their favourite actor and actress to follow exactly their styles such as, dressing styles, hair style, character of the actor or actress act in the movie, language and so on. Movies affect teenagers in their attitude. Teenagers watch too much movies and its influence their attitude change. They might admire the character, their thoughts, or ideas. They decide to do the same as them. Does movie contain any moral? For this question, most of the people answer is neutral. This is because; some of the movie contains moral value, but some movie does not contain moral value. Most of the movie is about love stories. Love stories make the teenagers mind change and they will follow exactly what the actor or actress act in the movie. Watching movie in cinema affect interacting with family? Most of the people strongly agree for this question. This is because, if teenagers addicted to watching movie in theater, they will forget to back home. Most of time, they will be at Cinema, so that it will affect the beautiful relationship between parents and children. It also will affect teenagers to influence in bad habits. Besides, cinema influence in youths culture? Most of the people agree for this question. This is because, teenagers watch movie and follow others such as foreign culture. They forget about their own culture and the important of the culture. Teenagers will follow exactly foreign culture such as, wear ring at eyebrow, tongue, mouth and so on. They thought its beautiful and stylish but actually its really dangerous for health. If we didnt take care well, we will get serious sick such as mouth cancer and sometimes will cause death. Teenagers have to be careful and should not follow others even though it is attractive. Besides, violence in the movie affects teenagers minds? Based on my survey, some agree and some of them answer is neutral. Violence in the movie affects teenagers to do the same. This is because, usually in movie, they will do illegal activities such as smuggling, robbery, drinking, smoking, taking drugs and so on. In a movie, they act but it looks exactly real. So that teenagers get interest and involve in negative activities such as I mention before. Finally, watching movies is simply for the pleasure. Teenagers can watch movie but do not follow or imitate exactly what happen in the movie. Be smart in watching movies, take the good things and throw away bad things. 2.1.2 Conclusion For the question 1, I prepare a questionnaire and distribute to people according to age and ask their opinion that does movie influence on today youths. Based on my survey, most of the people agree that movie influence on youths today. Questionnaire is a list of a research or survey questions asked to respondents. Questionnaire is easy to design and distribute to people. Watching movie is just for entertainment so that, teenagers can watch movie but do not exactly imitate the character. 3.0 Introduction to question 2 Should teaching Mathematics and Science in English? Teaching Science and Mathematics in English help students to increase their extra knowledge. Learning in Science and Mathematics in English can prepare us to face challenges in this globalization era. I had been given a question; write a letter to Prime Minister to convince him support my stand on Teaching Science and Mathematics in English. So that, in my letter I write: 1. Advantages of teaching Mathematics and Science in English 2. The standard of education level increase 3. My personal conclusion teaching Mathematics and Science in English give benefits 3.1 Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (write letter to Prime Minister) Dear Sir, Teaching Mathematics and Science in English Mathematics and Science are core subject which in every country including Malaysia. As concern youth of the loving nation, pertaining to the above subject, I would love and agree Mathematics and Science to be taught in English language. 2. English as an international language would have greater impact on our student to master English language as well if both subjects taught in English. This will not jeopardize our National Language since other subjects like Moral, Sejarah and Bahasa Malaysia still being taught in our National language. In class, teachers still can explain the mathematic theory or science mechanism in Malay even though English is the medium for the subject in order to enhance students understanding in both languages. 3. The standard of our education level in increase on par with international syllabus, once they have pursued their further studies at overseas. Concepts taught at Malaysian School level are still applicable for their higher studies. English language has been used as communication medium in every conference regarding Mathematics and Science at international level. So the participation of our own Malaysian students at international level is seen as good platform if we do continue our Mathematics and Science in English. 4. Furthermore, we will have most of our students are well verse in English language and the steps taken to master English by our own government will be successful. Our Nation will be sought after by many Multinational Companies (MNC) to employ Malaysian citizens and invest in Malaysia which will help the growth to Malaysian economics. This will also help Malaysians earning per capita to increase and eradicate poverty. 5. Last but not least, teaching Mathematics and Science in English will get more benefits. We will able to preserve our National language and master language as well. Thank you Sincerely ____________ 3.1.1 Conclusion As a conclusion, teaching science and mathematics in English will give more benefits. The purpose of teaching Science and Mathematics in English is to enable students to acquire proficiency in English while learning the content. The main purpose of study Science and mathematics in English is to improve the English language. Other than that, we have to use English in the education system, so that our English language, grammar will become more professional. 4.0 Conclusion and recommendations Finally, I had been done my entire question successfully. While doing this assignment, I gain much extra knowledge and learn many things. For the first question, I had done my survey. Through the survey, I learn a lot about people opinion towards my question. Questionnaire is really a simple way to distribute to people and ask about their opinion. APPENDIX PRINT SCREEN

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Should Science be Boundless? Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Papers

Should Science be Boundless? Imagine a world with no limits or boundaries. Would life be chaotic and outrageously out of control or would people know how to control themselves? The human race has proved to us several times for a necessity to have rules to live by and guidelines to follow. Each day people are pressing to go beyond the boundaries, which limit their actions. One of the best examples are scientific people who are driven to make discoveries each day, month or year. Some scientists are driven with ambition and try to go beyond the limits. We need our government to control these scientists. In Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein," we see an example of how a scientist, who was not given any restrictions, created a monster and was fearful of his own invention. In the article "Biotech Century: Playing Ecological Roulette with Mother Nature's Designs," Jeremy Rifkin presents reasons why some scientists need to be given boundaries. Even hundreds of years ago people were toying with the ideas of recreating matter. In Mary Shelly's book Frankenstein she creates a character named Victor Frankenstein. Although the story is fictional, Mary Shelley presents a realistic image of one man's idea to create an inanimate object. Back in the 1800s the story was fictional, and was filled with scientific inquires which seemed at that time, nearly impossible for a human to accomplish. Today people are making their dreams a reality by having the freedom to experiment and discover whatever they want. The problem scientists could face is being unable to control the results of their discoveries. Just like the story of Frankenstein, scientists are driven to discover the "what if" questions. For example in our society, scientists are driven to d... ...turn, more chemicals sprayed on food, effects the consumer who buys the fruit or vegetables. These are the reasons why our scientists are genetically engineering plant life. We live in a world where scientific discoveries are surfacing each day.We need to accept the discoveries and support the ones which were not successful. Scientists need to be given some sort of restrictions in regards to everything in life, which would be a necessity for an individual to live. Naturally the world of science means a world of curiosity and adventures. Our government needs to step in and control the scientists' actions. Works Cited Rifkin, Jeremy. "Biotech Century: Playing Ecological Roulette with Mother Nature." The Presence of Others. Ed. Bedford. St. Martin's: 2000 244-253 Shelley, Mary. "Frankenstein" The Presence of Others. Ed. Bedford. St. Martin's: 2000 231-235